Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pinwheel Sugar Cookies

Here's a fun way to "spice up" otherwise blah-looking sugar cookies. This is a great overall rolled sugar cookie dough and could be used to cut out shapes as well. My rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Pinwheel Sugar Cookies

1 cup butter, softened

1 1/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
3 cups flour
3 oz dark chocolate, chopped

Cream butter and sugar for at least three minutes.

Add eggs and vanilla. Mix well.

Add in salt and baking powder. Stir.

Add flour one cup at a time and stir until everything is well-combined. The dough will be rather wet. That's okay.

Divide the dough in half. Wrap one half of the dough in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator.

Melt the dark chocolate over low heat. Stir chocolate into the remaining dough half. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator.

Allow your two dough blobs to chill for at least two hours.

Tear off four pieces of waxed paper that are about 15" long.

Place one blob of dough inbetween two pieces of waxed paper and roll it into a rectangle that is about 1/8" thick. Repeat with the other color of dough.

Place the rectangles on top of each other and trim off the edges so that they are exactly the same size. Refrigerate for 10 minutes so that it will stick together when you roll it up.

Roll the dough up jelly-roll style. Wrap in waxed paper or plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Cut into 1/4" slices using a long sharp knife or, preferably, string.

Bake the cookies at 350 degrees for 9 minutes. Yield: 2 dozen.


  1. Hello,
    My name is Tracey, and I work for a company that imports organic, fair trade cinnamon and vanilla from farmers in developing countries. We're in the process of updating our website, and we're looking for recipes that feature vanilla or cinnamon, or both as a prominent ingredient or flavor to post. We're especially looking for recipes that are unique or different from the traditionally thought of genre for these ingredients. Of course we would give you credit for the recipe, and post a link back to your blog. You can check out our current website here: It will be updated in the next couple of weeks. Thanks so much, I look forward to speaking with you!

  2. Saw these on TasteSpotting - they look delicious!

  3. found this browsing tastespotting ... making them now! thanks :)
